Dental Care

Iqaluit Dental Clinic Explains Why You Don’t Feel Pain When You Are Sedated



According to Iqaluit Dental Clinic, dentists use numerous ways to make their patients as comfortable as possible. From making the environment more friendly and inviting to using the best tools, educating their patients about procedures and using sedatives. Let’s check out why you don’t feel pain when you are sedated.

The Explanation

1. Sedatives and pain

Sedates can be delivered to your body in many ways. From taking the shape of pills and gasses to being injected into your body in a liquid form. Sedatives are designed to modify nerve communications in your CNS (Central Nervous System) to your brain. They can relax your body by slowing down your brain activity significantly.

Usually, sedatives target a neurotransmitter, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) and make it work overtime. By increasing the level of activity of this neurotransmitter, its effects are strengthened immensely, and your brain slows down enough to perceive little to no pain. That’s why you don’t feel pain when you get sedated at the dental clinic. Sedatives are often used by themselves or in combination with other pain control procedures like local or regional anaesthesia.

2. Levels of sedation

The levels of sedation you receive vary depending on many factors. From your body’s responsiveness to sedatives to the procedure you’re having. Your health habits, age, medical condition and everything else are accounted for before you are sedated. If you are getting general anaesthesia during dental procedures, there would be an anesthesiologist along with the surgeon to make sure you get the right amount of sedatives throughout the procedure.

The levels of sedation range from minimal and moderate to deep. Minimal sedation helps you relax while keeping you awake. It is usually used when dentists and surgeons need you to be awake to answer questions and follow directions during the procedure. At the moderate level, you’ll be drowsy and may even fall asleep during the procedure and may not remember some of the procedure. With deep sedation, you’ll sleep through the procedure and won’t remember any of it. At all those levels, the most pain you’ll feel may be a prickly sensation, nothing more.

3. Dental procedures that require sedation

Simple dental procedures like check-ups and cleanings won’t require any sedatives. However, other dental procedures would require moderate to deep sedation depending on the complexity. Sedation at the dental clinic is mainly used for procedures like:

  • Root Canals.
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal.
  • Tooth extraction.
  • Dry Socket and Infections.

Procedures that require the medical professional to open up your teeth, treat or remove the pulp, treat infections on your gums or jaw and other such places require some level of sedation.


Iqaluit Dental Clinic suggests that you develop a better understanding of sedatives before going through a dental procedure. They are delivered to you for reducing the pain and making it easy for both the dentist and you. Sedatives are also highly regulated substances that would be administered by medical professionals very carefully. So, there’s nothing to worry about.

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