Best Chest Workout Routine

Best Chest Workout Routine


Best Chest Workout Routine

In these days many people are searching for best chest workout routine. As it has become the latest fashion to get into perfect physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Tiger Shroffetc. But people get confused with lot of information on net so they don’t get the concrete answer to their question. So it becomes very challenging for them to find the right exercise. As wrong exercise can cause adverse effects on their body so it is very important to have a right knowledge before starting any workout.

Read More: best chest workout for fast results

So here in this article we are revealing best chest workout routine after analyzing all the researches.You may also like to read more on this topic:

Q.Why current chest workout is effective?

The current chest workout is not that effective because people focuses on the middle portion of the chest. They only do barbell bench press and dumbbell fly. These are the basic equipment in the gym to build bigger and stronger chest. People do not focus on the upper chest workout. As a result they do not get the desired physique. If you tone your upper chest it will give you the look of V neck. Another problem is that it is a misconception That only machine and higher reps makes bigger chest but that’s not true let’s see how

Shaping up the well developed chest

If you’re focusing only on your middle chest it will become too big and you have untoned upper chest which will give a look of a woman breast ,developing both of the part will have dramatic effect on body, strength and chest .

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The upper chest muscle usually called clavicular pectoralis which takes little longer time to develop but once it develops it will give you a aesthetic look.

How to develop chest in a right way : 

1:Heavy resistance weight

You have to go for heavy resistance weight training,put heavy loads on your packs which allows it to expand with 3 to 8 repetition sets for at least twice a week.

2: Barbell bench press

First lie down on the flat bench with legs touching the floor.Hold the barbell with both hands then bring it down near the chest and then push it upwards an extending the arms so that the elbows get locked,take the set of 4 and repetition of 5 to 8 then rest for 90 seconds.

3:Dumbbell incline bench press

As the name suggests inclined towards bench and hold the dumbbells in both hands ,your hands must be parallel to the shoulders ,bend the elbows and rest your neck against the bench with tour feet touching the floor while exhaling press the dumbbells straight up over your chest take the set of four reputation 6 to 10 then  rest for 90 seconds.

4:Weighted dips

Weighted dips are like the beltswith certain weight attached take the dip setswhile wearing this belt, it will give good results

5:Flat DumbellPress

This workout directly focus on chest, abs ,shoulders and triceps, the movement in this exercise is off pushing type.Hold the dumbbells and lie down on flat bench hold the dumbbells little wider than shoulder with your palms tight and facing forward now push the weight on upward direction with arms straight slowly come back towards shoulder by bending your elbows at 90 degree you should feel stretch near chest and shoulder area take the set of four reputation 10to12 and then rest for one minute.

In any caseif the bench press is not available to you there are few alternative exercises for that which has same effect

1 :Dips

The dip is the best alternative exercise which will not only tone your chest but shoulders and triceps also hold the two parallel bars with each of your hand which are shoulders width apart and try to lift yourself upward by extending your arms

2:Single arm dumbbell bench press

This is the most trusted alternative choice for a bench press in this exercise you are engaging your chest and abs and also engages your core

3: Pushups

This is t all in one exercise as it effects your chest triceps shoulders and abs in a very effective manner

4: Dumbbell barbell floor press

Perfect substitution of bench press. It focuses on chest shoulder and triceps you can lift more weight than with the bench press It strengthens muscles of the upper body.

Alternative exercises of this workout that can’t be done at home


There are few alternative exercises this has the same effect on chest which can be done easily at home

1:Push ups

It is a great body weight exercise that directly affects chest and arms it does not require any specific equipment it can be done anywhere

2: Decline push ups

It is little difficult than the usual push ups as you have to put feet on a higher level than your hands gets little challenging but it has better results .

3:Diamond push ups

Another form of push ups is done by keeping your hands close together so that your thumbs and index finger touches and forms a diamond shape this kind of push ups with hands are close together can give desired results on triceps and inner chest muscles

4:Push up hold

This kind of exercise will work on your shoulder core and arms it will also increase your strength and stamina because you have to hold the push up with your elbow bent anbody is lower down It is little difficult but it’s worth doing it

5:wide push ups

White push ups can be done by keeping your hand further away which gives direct pressure on the pectoral chest muscle this pushup works effectively on upper chest muscles

So in this way you can workout at home also without using equipment


So eventually we conclude that doing the chest workout in an appropriate manner including both upper and middle chest can give best results in the development of strong and we shaped wide chest exercises can be done with or without equipment but the most important thing in any kind of exercise is to maintain the consistency and doing it in the correct form so good luck to you all!!!

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