What is Cabozantinib

What is Cabozantinib? – A Brief Overview

4,371 ViewsCabozantinib is an oral small molecule inhibitor of melanoma and medullary tumor. It’s a lipophilic (fat-loving) inhibitor of the tyrosine-kinase catalyzing enzyme c-Met; it inhibits AXL andRET, too. The drug has also been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Cabozantinib such as Ceritinib(LDK378) is marketed under the trade names Cometriq, Cabometyx, and …

Coping with Ovarian Cancer and Its Treatment

Dr. Paolo Boffetta – Coping with Ovarian Cancer and Its Treatment

4,989 ViewsTreatment for females suffering from ovarian cancer causes many physical changes to their bodies. These changes also affect the way they feel about themselves and include hormonal changes, fatigue, hair loss, and more. Doctors take the onus to help patients get the support and care they need when it comes to living with this …

best cancer fighting foods

Basic nutrition knowledge you need to know to prevent cancer and prevent recurrence

4,938 ViewsDietary nutrition creates the immune system to fight cancer cells. This is important to take the best cancer fighting foods for both those who aim to prevent cancer and for those who have undergone cancer treatment to prevent recurrence. Ingredients that I would like to pay particular attention to are “vegetables” and especially “soybeans.” It has …