Study Shows Delta-8 Is a Big Hit With High School Seniors (1)

Study Shows Delta-8 Is a Big Hit With High School Seniors

5,959 ViewsDelta-8 THC was all the rage when it first made it to market a couple of years ago. Often referred to as ‘diet weed’ or ‘THC light’, delta-8 products can be used as a substitute for marijuana. Apparently, that’s exactly what’s happening in America’s high schools. A recent study clearly demonstrates that delta-8 is …

Pain Treatments

When Traditional Chronic Pain Treatments Don’t Work – What Then?

4,739 ViewsChronic pain is a genuine medical concern among millions of people. Traditional treatments for chronic pain include over-the-counter drugs, prescription pain medications, and surgeries. But what if those traditional treatments don’t work? What is a chronic pain patient supposed to do then? There are alternative treatments to look at. Some are viewed more favorably …

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Medical Marijuana Card?

5,125 Views In states with medical marijuana programs, an MMJ card is required. The first medical marijuana program in America is celebrating its silver anniversary. Louisiana residents to obtain marijuana if they could demonstrate a medical need. One can only hope that federal legalization will become a reality rather than a pipe dream a few …