nose job surgery

What One Should Know Before A Nose Job Surgery


A rhinoplasty (nose job) is surgery on the nose to improve its function or modify its shape. It can be done for purely cosmetic reasons or for medical reasons, that is, to correct nose-related breathing problems or to correct disfigurement that may be a result of birth defects or accidents.

The upper part of the nose is made of bone and the lower part is cartilage. A nose job surgery can alter the bone, cartilage, skin, or all three. When planning a nose job, your surgeon will consider other facial features as well, to provide what is best for you. Sometimes, a part of the rhinoplasty is covered by your health insurance plan. However, most plans don’t cover surgeries done for cosmetic surgeries.

What can rhinoplasty treat?

  • The balance between nose size and other facial features.
  • Width of the nose at the bridge
  • Size and position of the nostrils
  • Profile of the nose with visible humps or depressions on the bridge.
  • A nasal tip that is enlarged, upturned, drooping, or hooked.
  • Nostrils that are large or wide
  • Nasal asymmetry

Steps involved

  • Anaesthesia: Your doctor will recommend which the better choice is – intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. However, the final word is yours.
  • The incision: The procedure followed may be closed – the incision is made inside the nose, or it may be open – the incision is made across the columella (the thin strip of tissue separating the nostrils).
  • Reshaping the structure: Often, cartilage from the septum (the middle part of the nose) is used for this procedure. Cartilage from the ear or the rib cartilage may be used to fulfil the purpose of additional cartilage grafts. An overly large nose can be corrected by removing bone or cartilage.
  • Correcting a deviated septum: A deviated septum can be straightened and the projections inside the nose can be reduced or removed to improve breathing.
  • Closing the incision: Once the required changes are made, nasal skin and tissues are redraped across the nose and the incisions are closed.
  • Healing: The healing process could take a few days.

Possible risks:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • An adverse reaction to anaesthesia
  • Difficulty breathing through your nose
  • An uneven looking nose is a possibility
  • Pain, swelling, or discoloration
  • Scarring
  • A hole in the septum
  • The need for additional surgery


After a nose job surgery, people usually wear a nasal splint for about a week. Swelling and some bruising around the eyes can be expected for the first few days, which may last up to a couple of weeks. The nose may also experience some swelling, but this is not evident. The final results are visible after the nose has healed completely. Strenuous activity must be avoided for the first two to three weeks.

After the surgery, you must rest in bed with your head above your chest. The nose may be congested from the splints or swelling. Slight bleeding and drainage of mucus are common for the first few days after the surgery, or after the dressing is removed. It is also advised to have baths instead of showers, to not blow your nose, to avoid extreme facial expressions, and to brush your teeth in a way that doesn’t move your upper lip too much.

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