What Role Does A Gestational Surrogacy Agency Play?

What Role Does A Gestational Surrogacy Agency Play?


If you have decided to pursue surrogacy, you’re likely contemplating working with a surrogacy agency. Before legally committing to any gestational surrogacy agency, it helps to know what their roles and responsibilities towards you are.

A Surrogacy Agency Is Required To Do More For You Than Match You With A Surrogate. They Must Also:

Understand Your Requirements

The surrogacy agency you are considering must take the time to get to know you and your needs. They must also be willing to work with your budget and have a clear understanding of what characteristics you’re looking for in an ideal surrogate candidate.

Knowledge Of State Laws

The surrogate agency must have an understanding of the state laws where you reside. Each has its own set of laws (and a lack of regulations) and procedures related to surrogacy. Some states prohibit the practice of surrogacy. Therefore where your surrogate will deliver your baby and how you will secure your parental privileges will be determined by the state in which your surrogate resides.

Applying Extensive Screening Procedures

A surrogacy agency uses extensive screening procedures to match Intended Parents with surrogates. These procedures include multiple interviews with agency staff, the agency’s licensed psychologist and or physician, completion of questionnaires and intake forms, and background checks.

Advice About Insurance

The surrogacy agency you are considering should guide you in finding sufficient insurance coverage options and what they should cover.

Help To Find A Fertility Clinic

If you haven’t finalized your choice for a fertility clinic, the surrogacy agency will help you compare and identify several fertility clinic options, including refund programs, guarantee programs, financial assistance programs, etc.

Coordinate Meetings

If applicable, the surrogacy agency should coordinate all medical and psychological screening appointments with the surrogate and egg donors.

Organize The Legal Process

The surrogacy agency must lead you in the legal process and not just refer you to counsel. They should be able to give you conditions of the agreement between yourself and the surrogate mother.

Provide Counseling And Support

There may come a time during the process where either your surrogate, you, or both may require professional counseling from a mental health specialist. The surrogate agency must be able to provide you with this support and resources for finding professionals with special expertise in handling specific issues.

Other Services Provided

In addition to the services mentioned above, the surrogacy agency should help you with the following:

  • Setting up an account for your surrogate mother’s reimbursements and expenses
  • Regular facilitation throughout the process

When searching for a surrogacy agency, it is essential to keep in mind that a “big” agency doesn’t necessarily mean it is good, and an “established” agency doesn’t say it provides excellent service.

For assistance in finding a surrogacy agency that suits your needs, contact Rite Options.

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