
Who Needs Calcium the Most? – Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency


We all know that Calcium is essential for the body, not only for teenagers but also adults. A proper amount of Calcium helps keep the body functioning properly and healthy.

But what if your body won’t get enough Calcium? Maybe your body can’t work correctly, and the result would be dangerous.

So, with that in mind, let’s discuss how to know if you need natural calcium supplements with this article.

What is Calcium?

All living things, including humans, require vitamin calcium. The body has most of this mineral, which is essential for strong bones.

Humans require Calcium to develop & maintain healthy bones, and teeth contain 99%Trusted Source of the body’s Calcium.

Calcium is essential to keep the brain and other body sections communicating properly, affecting how muscles move and how well the heart works.

What is Calcium Deficiency?

Hypocalcemia is the term used to denote a calcium deficit. Because formula products frequently contain high phosphate levels, which can lower calcium levels in the blood, calcium deficiencies frequently develop in infants as young as a few days old.

However, a calcium deficit can happen at any age.

Rickets, osteoporosis, and osteopenia, as well as changes in the metabolic rate and typical operation of other body functions, can be brought on by a chronic calcium deficit. When combined, chest aches, numbness in the fingers and toes, muscle spasms, brittle nails, dry skin, and tooth decay are some signs of calcium insufficiency. That is where you need to focus on supplements like an immune booster for adults to keep the body healthy.

Top 7 Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Low Calcium causes no symptoms at first or very few, which might worsen the problem because individuals don’t recognize it. The signs of hypocalcemia might differ from person to person, depending on their age and the degree of their deficit.

Muscle Problems

The early symptoms of calcium insufficiency are cramps, muscle spasms, and pains. Unfortunately, the majority of people do not link these symptoms to hypocalcemia. Most people suffer pain in their arms and thighs when walking or moving. Numbness and tingling in the arms, hands, legs, feet, and mouth area are additional symptoms of calcium deficiency.


One of the most typical signs of low calcium levels in the blood is insomnia, excessive drowsiness, and exhaustion. Lethargy, a sense of sluggishness, and a lack of energy are common. There are other symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog.

Skin Conditions

Symptoms in the skin and nails are common in people with persistent low calcium levels. The skin typically gets dry and irritated. Studies have discovered a link between hypocalcemia and eczema and psoriasis. Redness, itching, and skin blisters are symptoms. Additionally, a calcium deficit can cause brittle, dry, and damaged nails. Alopecia, a disorder that results in bald patches, can also be caused by hypocalcemia. You can take natural calcium supplements to treat this condition.

Osteopenia & Osteoporosis

Lack of Calcium is closely related to osteopenia, which causes poor bone mineral density and can eventually result in osteoporosis. Bones that have osteoporosis become brittle and more prone to breaking. Osteoporosis is linked to discomfort, poor posture, and even disability. Both diseases reduce bone density and raise the possibility of bone fractures.

Premenstrual Syndrome Painful

Most people are unaware of the link between unpleasant premenstrual syndrome and low calcium levels. However, studies have shown a connection between higher calcium consumption and a reduction in PMS symptoms.

Dental Issues

Calcium is in charge of maintaining the health of our bones and teeth. When the body is calcium-deficient, it begins to draw Calcium from internal sources like the teeth. Low calcium levels can cause dental decay, inflamed gums, brittle teeth, weak roots, and brittle teeth. Infants with calcium deficiencies may take longer to grow teeth, which could lead to more issues down the road.


In actuality, depression and mood disorders have been linked to low calcium levels. Researchers contend that a calcium deficiency may lead to depression symptoms, even though there is currently little data to back up such statements.

Other Possible Symptoms

In addition to the most typical signs and symptoms, some people may encounter unanticipated ones that are initially unrelated to calcium shortage. These odd symptoms are:

  • Chest pain
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Voice changes
  • Seizures
  • Chronic itching
  • Cataracts

However, you can treat these conditions with natural calcium supplements.

Prevent Hypocalcemia Naturally          

Calcium deficiency can be treated naturally by incorporating more Calcium into your daily diet.

One of the best ways is to focus on dairy products such as,

  • Salmon
  • Broccoli
  • Turnip greens
  • Sesame seed
  • Soy milk
  • Cheese
  • Kale
  • Tofu

According to experts, taking an adequate amount of Calcium daily is recommended.

Age Required Calcium per day
0-6 months 1000 mg
7-12 months 1500 mg
1-8 years 2500 mg
9-18 years 3000 mg
19-50 2500 mg
Over 51 2000 mg

Generally, people use natural products and avoid supplements due to their side effects.

The good news is that MyNiwa is one of those who deal in only pure organic and natural products. They have brought immune boosters for adults with a perfect blend of Turmeric, fresh coconut flakes, and superfoods such as Moringa & Ashwagandha, making it completely safe and natural.

This Ayurvedic booster helps treat many of your health problems and even fulfils the calcium deficiency in your body.

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